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Agricultural Commission Minutes 03-02-10
Town of Bolton Agricultural Commission
Meeting Minutes
Date: 2 March 2010
63 Main Street
978 779-2297 or 779-3308
Joe Kovacs 779-6979 Term Exp 6/30/2010
Ken Nicewicz 779-6423 Term Exp 6/30/2010
Sue Storbeck 779-6020 Term Exp 6/30/2011
Barbara Parente 779-6303 Term Exp 6/30/2012
Betsy Taylor-Kennedy 779-5213 Term Exp 6/30/2012

A meeting of the Bolton Agricultural Commission was held on March 2, 2010 at Town Hall. This meeting was rescheduled
from February 16, due to snow. The meeting was called to order at 7:37 pm. Commission members in attendance: Joe
Kovacs, Ken Nicewicz, Barbara Parente, Sue Storbeck and Betsy Taylor-Kennedy. Teresa Sauer from the Bolton
Community Garden Committee was a guest attendee.
The January 19, 2010 meeting minutes were read by members and accepted.
Reports from liaisons to Town Boards/Commissions:
Board of Health: nothing to report
Planning Board: Ken attended the hearing for Houghton Farms. PB thanked us for setting a precedent by participating in
FOSPRD development review.
Board of Selectmen: Joe and Betsy attended the January 20 hearing on the alpaca/dog altercation. The Selectmen ruled
in favor of the alpaca owners. The Animal Control Officer described the type of enclosure to be built by the dog owners.
Town representative (ACO?) to inspect completed enclosure to ensure compliance. Also at this meeting, the Selectmen
approved the AgCom’s concept for “Right-to-Farm” signs installed on the major roads entering Bolton. The Selectmen
would like to review the design before the signs are printed.
Barbara attended the meeting where the Repeal of the Farm Excise Tax was discussed. The repeal was proposed
by the Town Assessor. There are around 20 farms that qualify for the tax with a total assessment of about $4000. It was
determined that the loss of this revenue would not adversely affect the Town budget. The Farm Excise Tax is levied on
farm machinery and livestock from farms at least 5 acres in size and who do a minimum of $500 of agricultural business
per year. Barbara voiced her support for the repeal on behalf of the AgCom, and the BOS voted unanimously to put it on
the Town Meeting Warrant. Question arose during the review: Could AgCom co-sponsor the article with the Advisory
Conservation Commission: The Extended Open Space & Recreation Plan has been updated to include the changes and
additions requested by the AgCom.
Bolton Conservation Trust: Nothing new to report on preserving large farms or on the Community Garden proposal for a
manure composting project at Coolidge Farm.
Complaints/Requests for Site Visits
· None scheduled.
Working Session:
o Teresa Sauer of the Bolton Community Garden Committee (BCG) returned to the AgCom to continue discussion
on the manure composting operation on the Coolidge land. BCG is hesitant to approach neighbors and move
ahead as they feel they have no clout with townspeople. They would AgCom support to plan, promote and
negotiate with the Town and neighbors, and also find participants who will bring manure. If the project moves
ahead, any complaints about manure will come to AgCom. A subcommittee will be formed to bring all concerned
parties together: BCG, AgCom, BCT, neighbors, Chris Slade (could do grading for site access, dig farm pond,
etc). Date/time TBD. BL, AgCom, and BCT all need to support this project to make it work.
Current business:
1. Annual Report: Joe has submitted the Annual Report to the town. Copies were distributed to committee.
2. Holiday Sale/Agriculture surveys: Barbara has tallied the responses from 13 surveys. Most who responded
were not vendors. Those who attended liked the event and the location; some suggested having more than just
one sale per year. The Committee discussed choosing a date in September to coincide with apple-picking
season, though not at the Winery or other orchard because it would compete with their businesses. A second
event to coincide with Spring planting and a group purchase of chicks for residents was also discussed. An article
will go in the Common to gauge interest in ordering chicks.
3. Conflict of Interest Law Training: Ken must complete the training by the extended April deadline.
4. Website Update: Joe to work on update this weekend.
5. Town Website Update: Joe gave Barbara pdf versions of the 2009 minutes for posting.
6. Open Space Plan: Joe distributed copies of the Extended Open Space & Recreation Plan with additions he had
added from the AgComm. Three members --Joe, Betsy and Barbara -- attended the Open Space meeting chaired
by the Cons. Comm and offered input.
7. Right-To-Farm Signs: Barbara and Sue chose a 24 x 36 vertical format. Graphic designer, Lyn Rodger, who
designed the AgCom brochure, will develop some designs ($150-200 range). Using an outside designer, rather
than the sign printer’s designer, resulted in a better price per sign ($168/sign for 6 signs). We will be able to put up
6 signs this year. Expenditures will not go over our remaining budget amount.
8. Farmer’s Meeting: The group decided on April 7 or 14 (or another date amenable to the majority of farmers).
This will be a working meeting, a chance to introduce ourselves, and to have an open discussion about what
issues they are dealing with, and how AgCom might help them. Ken to contact farmers, and invite our local
politicians (Rep. Kate Hogan, Sen. Jen Flanagan). Location??
New Business
1. Budget: $300 has been spent; have $1500 remaining (through June 2010).
2. Joe distributed a second mailer reminding members of the Annual Statewide Massachusetts Agricultural
Commissions’ Conference at Worcester State College on Saturday, March 20.
3. Friends of Bolton Seniors are compiling a Pet Yearbook and are soliciting photo contributions and ads. Joe
suggested taking out a $25 ad in the book.
4. MA Ag Day is Thursday, April 8. Committee members expressed an interest in attending.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm.